Sunday, March 08, 2009

Welcome Back to Vegas..

The recent change in things has been quite fast but settling back in to Vegas fun. To make a long story short, it was just time to make a change for myself and make life a little less confusing and stressful.

Since I have been back I have been able to get a 6 mile run in, swim with Formulaic and break in some new bike tires on a 63 mile ride yesterday. It was great to be back in the saddle and be out there with no worries for a few hours. Today, I am looking at getting back in the pool and maybe a run but just trying to determine how I feel as I didn't get much sleep last night with the time change and going to bed late and recoverying from the ride.

It's nice to be back in it's on aspect as the change in terrain with mountains is nice to ride in. Don't get me wrong the Beach and ocean, sun are totally nice and it's great to be out there but the cost of living and expenses are just crazy. I will miss it in its own right and I will miss Jenn.

I have officially signed up for Rage 70.3 in have some serious training to get done in the next 6 weeks. Along with a couple of centry bike rides with Form I should be able to do OK there. I have some friends that I met in Coeur d'Alene coming in and it will be great to hang out and race together. I'm looking forward to it!!



Stef0115 said...

Sorry things didn't work out between you and Jenn.

Hope you adjust quickly back to life here in Vegas though and enjoy this freaking awesome training weather right now!

If you want to get in some open water group swims, Swim Las Vegas will be out there at 9am for four Saturdays starting on 3/21 at Boulder Beach.

Shelley said...

Have fun at RAGE!

CoachLiz said...

Yahoo! Coach is happy that you are training again and excited about training and not freakin' stressed out.

You did the right thing JT. RAGE is just a few weeks away and you are going to benefit from having a training buddy again.

Formulaic said...

Training buddy? Who's that? All I know is this guy comes back from Cali and he's riding liking he's Lance or something!

Rage is going to be blown away!