Monday, August 24, 2009

No dust in the air.

After a great training weekend and knocking out an awesome 56 mile PR for me on the bike I was actually not chastising myself so much with my training. Okay, maybe a little. The clock is ticking but things are working there way clear, I think.. umm... yeah.. they are.

I felt good after the bike yesterday and was not totally drained. Another 56 planned for the end of the week but I really have to look to get some mid-week biking done.

Interesting how something is always changing in the day in the life of JT.. and this week has been no different. On a personal note, things have been in a whirl wind which has caused me to question some things but now that the wind and dust has settled things are Okay and actually better! Sometimes trusting things blindly is better but definitely more difficult.


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